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'A Legend in the Making' - Rasixn Album Cover

Raisxn album cover.jpg
Raisxn illustration

I was given the opportunity to experiment, using my own style, on an Album Cover that was released on Spotify in December 2020.


I was working from a photograph that I chose out of a range that was made available to me. From this, I created the illustration that can be seen above.


I then made further amendments in Photoshop to create a textured, shiny plastic wrap that looks intriguing when blended over the illustration.


Furthermore, I designed a type of ripping effect at the bottom of the illustration to, again, add a more interesting feel to the overall look of the cover.

'Too Much | Too Soon' - 2022

Too Much Cover.jpg

'ISSUES' - 2022

Issues cover final.jpg

'White Walls' - 2021

White Walls cover.JPG

'Falling in Love' - Rasixn

'Falling in love'
Falling in love - Spotify

Prior to the album being released, I created a single cover for the same artist, Raisxn.


The main objective for 'Falling in Love' was to create an image that represented a falling heart. I started off with this idea but ended up drifting towards more of a melting heart. I presented this idea to my client, who was more than happy to use this imagery instead. 


After having listened to the lyrics, I decided I wanted to incorporate tranquil and romantic colours into the cover. This lead to me creating a dreamy gradient in the form of a melting heart. I also added a thin border that follows the outside of the cover. The colours gradually blend into one another and reflect the same colours as the heart. 


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