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Waterloo Community Theatre Brief


For this live brief from Waterloo Community Theatre we have been asked to originate creative ways that enhances and inspires young audiences to further engage with Waterloo Community Theatre. We are to produce 12 illustrations that will boost Waterloo Community Theatre’s ethos and services. These can either be hand-drawn or digital images, with no restrictions on medium or colours that should be used, however it’s vital to derive already used corporate colours and themes relating to the community theatre through their already existing website and instagram account. The aim is to communicate and create a greater awareness of the work done by WCT and the impact they have by giving a young audience a creative platform to share their stories and ideas.

Nowadays, Generation Z is more likely to interact with instagram over any other social media platforms. Instagram can effectively communicate visually exploratory images and publicise creative illustrations reaching a large audience. As instagram draws in the demographic that the community theatre intend on appealing to, this will be the platform to focus on. The main objective is to advertise their work and the impact of it, gaining an interest from potential funders. But also to draw interest of the audience outside of the workshops. Using the voice of young people is crucial, as this promotes that the work is for, by and with a young audience.

Waterloo Community Theatre:

Waterloo Community Theatre provides theatre as well as other activities for people between the ages of 8 and 16 living in South-East London, Southwark. Their primary principle is that arts improve general wellbeing and builds up ‘confidence, curiosity and imagination’, as well as multiple other skills. The people involved in the theatre activities don’t perform written plays, but actually write and perform all of their own material. The entire process is run by young people.

Idea generation:

- Ideation techniques

- Guerrilla marketing & trans media story telling

- Visual communication


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