eveline-kinzkoferJan 16, 20201 minSymbolism in Pan's Labyrinth The story of Pan’s Labyrinth follows that of a little girl who is mesmerised by books and fairytales. Finding herself living amongst...
eveline-kinzkoferJan 16, 20201 minPhotographic reference - Pan's Labyrinth Drawing from photographs is very beneficial in terms of improving ones visual vocabulary. After countless of practice, we will have...
eveline-kinzkoferJan 14, 20201 minPan's Labyrinth - CompositionBefore taking photographs as references for my final image based on ‘Pan’s Labyrinth’ I started by developing a couple of images purely...
eveline-kinzkoferJan 10, 20201 minLibrary exhibitionI’ve taken inspiration from an exhibition ‘Scene-Stealers’ in our university library that also focuses on creating original prints from...
eveline-kinzkoferJan 10, 20201 min'Under the Skin' compositional sketches A composition can be described as a range of elements that make us see the whole picture. Before thinking about my final piece for ‘Under...
eveline-kinzkoferJan 4, 20202 minUnder the Skin (2014)I chose ‘Under the Skin’ to be one of the films I wanted to watch all the way through. Skin and bodies in general fascinate me, which is...
eveline-kinzkoferJan 3, 20201 minScene Stealers For our following project ‘Scene Stealers’ we have been tasked with reviewing a number of films. We then have to select five of these and...