As I didn't have the opportunity to visit one of the Waterloo Community Theatre sessions at the beginning of the project, I decided to use their website for further research. On their website they have shared many images of past sessions and there are even a few videos that help give viewers an insight into further explaining who they are, what they do and what they stand for. They introduce the team who organise WCT, as well as members who have taken part in various projects and how it has influenced their life and behaviour. Some of the comments included : "We learn how to express ourselves," "It's a nice, positive space," "You don't have to be scared about who you are when you come here," "When one person has an idea, everyone tries to improve it," "If you have any worries they're there" and "It gives us our space where we can be ourselves and we can show how we actually feel without any judgement." It was helpful watching these videos as I feel like I've gained much more insight into WCT and their core values.
I also found it to be valuable to take a look at their instagram page to see how they market their feed to their audience. The objective for this brief is to generate a greater awareness of the work done by WCT through our illustrations that will be shared on social media platforms such as Instagram. As Instagram will be the platform that it is marketed on, I found it necessary to gain an idea of what they generally tend to post. The overriding theme of what was being shared was photographs of the workshops, including activities that the members of WCT take part in, as well as drawings, rehearsals and some video content. There was minimal artwork to contrast this, the only design I could see on their page was two promotional campaigns for performances happening:
They both followed a similar style of a black background with bright contrasting colour that markets both events. During Anna’s briefing she did in fact mention a colour scheme of black, white and red, which can be seen in these posters. Relating to the rest of their instagram page I don't necessarily see an overriding colour scheme.
Waterloo Community Theatre’s page has a following of 127 people, who I’d assume are volunteers or members such as the youth who attend the sessions. The brief specifies that we are to help encourage and involve young audiences to get involved with WCT in a diversity of ways. Having looked at their instagram account I can further tell that their page could do with some more marketing and recognition, as their likes on each post are relatively consistent.