From an interview Evaristo has with the Guardian about her writing style:
“I have a term I came up with called fusion fiction – that’s what it felt like, with the absence of full stops, the long sentences. The form is very free-flowing and it allowed me to be inside the characters’ heads and go all over the place – the past, the present. For me, there’s always a level of experimentation – I’m not happy writing what we might call traditional novels. There’s a part of me that is always oppositional to convention – not only counter-cultural and disruptive of people’s expectations of me, but also of form. That goes back to my theatre days, when we would write very experimentally, as we did not want to, as we saw it, imprison our creativity in traditional forms”
Girl, Woman, Other was written using a hybrid form that incorporates both prose and poetry. With limited punctuation throughout the entire book, the text doesn’t contain capitalisation to begin sentences, no speech marks, and no full stops either. Evaristo refers to it as an “experimental novel” as she has written it in an unconventional format within the pages but also in regards to the structure of the book. Although the characters’ lives intersect with one another, the book doesn’t follow a through-narrative as the time periods of each character are all varied and not in the correct sequence of events. This free-flowing style gives her work a sense of lightness that makes it easier to connect with each character because it feels like you could be in the room with.
Evaristo’s free-flowing writing style encouraged me to make the font on the front cover a handwritten one. This would allow it to reflect her looseness in writing and give an indication to the experimental style and creativity the book has. Below are some of the type fonts I thought were most fitting which I would then try out on the front cover.