I also had some fabric that I wanted to use because I find the texture of it so appealing. The technician said that because the fabric was so thickly woven it might not be worth printing onto it as I was likely to loose a lot of the detail within the fabric. Woven fabric is a textile that results from weaving two sets of yarn together. Upon close inspection, woven fabric resembles a checkerboard of straight interlacing threads going under and over each other in right angles. Because it’s not a flat surface, no matter how hard you print onto the fabric it’s likely that not all of the detail will be absorbed. I was being stubborn and still wanted to see the results of a print so I chose two of my screens that had the biggest halftones on them, in the hope that you’d at least be able to recognise the print.
The print definitely wasn’t as clear as some of the previous ones onto different materials but I think it created a really lovely texture instead and was worth testing.